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cyrano de bergerac
by Edmund Rostand
Directed by Karen Kessler
In association with Powertap Productions
@ The Viaduct Theatre (Feb 2000)
Rivendell Theatre Ensemble presents Edmond Rostand’s immortal classic, CYRANO DE BERGERAC. This is a story of style created from despair. Swaggering in the braggart warrior tradition, Cyrano is actually shy when confronting beauty in any form. As an accomplice in a love plot, he never speaks for himself until wounded mortally. His handsome, albeit clumsy, protege in love, Christian de Neuvillette, never learns to articulate the language of sentiment. Often mistaken for a silent lover, his valor in battle is offset by his diffidence in amour. Together, they woo the lovely Roxane with staggering results.

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